Tag Archives: inspiration


Perhaps someday I should do a concept album about the crazy cult I grew up in. It isn’t as exciting as it sounds. Anybody who is familiar with the whole “Independent Fundamentalist Baptist” scene will know all of it by heart. Of course, it seems batshit insane to normal people.

Truth is, most of my passion, anger and bitterness about the whole thing has blown over. Most of that time seems like a barely remembered dream. Or maybe somebody else’s dream.

About once a year my dad will invite me to the yearly Christmas party. I politely decline and the night of the event he’ll say something manipulative like “I missed you at the party tonight,” but that’s about as far as it goes.

Sometimes I’ll run into one of the pastors or teachers of the school/church I was forced to go to. I try to hide, but if they see me I’ll say something. They usually sneer at me like I just put a cat turd in their hand. But at least they don’t scream and rant and rave about how I’m going to Hell anymore.

Brian Eno’s Reflection

Brian Eno is back with a new “generative” album called Reflection. It’s very much in the style of Neroli, Lux and Thursday Afternoon and is really excellent. I was a bit disappointed with last year’s “The Ship,” but this album more than redeems it.

Also, just for the record, I will continue to release music no matter who is in The White House. I’m bitter and angry all the time, so I have no need to “reflect” upon my mood during changing administrations, unlike some Irish wankers.

Song for a cold Friday evening

I can’t claim to be a house head. I never really searched it, but I saw a documentary about it the other night and they played this song.

“Can You Feel It” by Mr. Fingers.

I prefer this version of it, even though it seems like it was pitched down, making it nearly impossible to find a legit copy online. The only versions I found online for sale are slightly faster and pitched up. I like this version better. It sounds a lot dreamier. But the other instrumental versions are good, too.

Getting back in the swing of things

It’s been too long since I posted something. Though I have released a new album and have another one on the way.

I’m still planning on doing a guitar ambient project soon. Something totally separate from Rural Citizens Band. This video I found tonight has kind of reignited the desire to do something like that:

I’m really impressed with that Jazzmaster copy. I’ve wanted a Jazzmaster since the early 90s when I noticed the guys in Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, Curve, Dinosaur Jr, Television, Placebo and Swervedriver used them. I’m not usually one to buy a guitar because Gitah Player X used them. And in some ways I avoided using one because they’re so ubiquitous in the indie rock scene (especially among the louder bands), but damn it, I really want one. And those copies can be had for around $250 (whereas a Mexican JM will run you about $800). I just wish that company also made Jaguar (in both single coil and HH configs) because I could buy all 3 for less than the cost of one Fender Mexican JM.

Anyway, I plan on blogging more here. I can’t excuse my laziness. Not that anybody is reading this anyway.

Good grief, more recommended music!

The Living Sleep released a new album this week entitled Remnants.  I’ve given it a few listens and I’m really enjoying it. It’s more of a piano based work, kind of like the “Into The Blue” single they released a few years ago.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Into the Blue at first. I thought it was pretty, but the lack of guitars put me off. Also, to release one single song after a three year silence was disappointing. But mainly because Losing Today is one of my favorite Bandcamp discoveries and “We Were Infinite” is an ambient guitar classic to me.

But this full-length album is really great. It is a massive leap forward for the band and something I highly recommend. Not only that, but Losing Today was released in 2010, and you can’t expect them to be the same band they were half a decade ago.

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EHX effectology

Wow, I can see this could get expensive very fast…

Electro-Harmonix (aka EHX) is most famous for creating the Big Muff Pi pedal, one of the very first fuzz pedals ever made. But they also manufacture dozens of other pedals, all of them much more expensive than their famous fuzz box.

Effectology is a list of crazy sounds you can make simply by using EHX products. Naturally, you can create these same sounds using other products that are much cheaper. But this is a really awesome idea. It’s great to see that EHX cares enough about their product to take the time to do this.

Here is but one example. How to play Kraftwerk’s Autobah on guitar:

More companies should do this.